Posted from the US
A Florida pastor from a church named the Dove World Outreach Center has decided that on 9/11 this year he wants to celebrate by holding a Koran burning on the property of his church.
Please. Please. Put this really bad idea back under some dark rock and squish it and just call it a day.
The idea is so noxious that it prompted General Petraeus to declare its overall stupidity and potential hazard to US troops.
The pastor, his church, and his idea have become global media sensations - he may be loving the attention. Maybe he thinks he can't back down now.
Let me offer a suggestion: You sure can back down now. When a US general asks you to back down, isn't that enough?
To simultaneously add to the hazard US troops face overseas, and to truly insult the entire Muslim world - that has to rate as one of the WORST IDEAS I HAVE HEARD ALL YEAR.