Posted from the U.S.
I think that our society is drifting off into some strange new lands. What will become of us networked, blogging, ipodded, wireless, bluetoothed, myspaced, googled freaks?
Does wikki = democracy in the truest sense? What of Brazil and free culture and remixing and Lessig going on and on about these things?
What of Richard Stallman and all things Linux? What say the Chinese when they unfurl their might on the $99 PC?
Will the New People understand the past, or will it all be a single moment in time, remixed at will, all here, right now, right now?
What is software? If it can wirelessly trasmit from blackberry to ipaq to pc, why can't our souls float as they will?
When we have control of stem cells and DNA - what will we become?
Intersting point at the end that you should expand on. If we can modify our DNA, should we?
Maybe world society has reached, or soon will reach its maxiumum potential, limited by our average intelligence. Why not make ourselves more intelligent.
Intelligent enough to leave this planet, so explore new worlds and go where no man has gone before ?
Intelligent enough not to behave like a bacterial culture about to outgrow its Petri dish ?
Posted by: Alan | July 23, 2005 at 10:57 AM